The Merolla bells

Electronic control units

Electronic control units for bell programming

Our electronic control units are highly reliable, versatile and compact, for the traditional control of bells and tower clocks.

  • Control of up to 32 different outputs, for motors, strikers, brakes, lighting, heating, etc.
  • Control of 1 input (optional) to detect the stop position of the bells.
  • Storage capacity of 170 ring tones and 80 service programs.
  • Possibility to dial and memorize (on the spot) melodies, carillons, or sounds played with a flat, swing or hammer bell with extreme simplicity.
  • Automatic and differentiated programming during the various periods of the year (summer, winter, month of May).
  • Programming of fixed days such as: Christmas, Immaculate Conception, Assumption; and variables, such as Easter, first Friday of the month, etc.
  • Control and automatic adjustment of the tower clock hands, even after a power failure with recovery of lost time.
  • Automatic cancellation of programs that do not repeat themselves.
  • Beater clock in 22 different modes.
  • Immediate start of different sounds via radio control.
  • Possibility of synchronizing time precisely thanks to an optional radio receiver.
  • Ability to program the device by means of a computer (pc) also via telephone, for easier installation, maintenance and use.
  • Data retention in the absence of power supply for long periods (more than 30 days).
  • MEROLLA-CLOUD has the the purpose to remotely monitor and program your equipment with constant product control via qualified Merolla technicians who also assist with programming and changes to software updates.

For more information


Kt. Michele Merolla

Headquarter Via Catapani, 15 84018 Scafati (SA)
Factory Via XXV Aprile, 117 80040 Poggiomarino (NA)

Telephone +39 081 528 57 77
Fax +39 081 338 11 62


Light meets art.
Art meets sound

© 2020 Merolla s.r.l. - P. IVA 06147030651 - Design Rosaria Millo

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